mardi 16 septembre 2014


Ojai, September 20th, 2014

"Life takes care of us"
Silence heals the idea of: "I am my story"

In 2003, Yolande Duran Serrano, without any prior interest in spirituality, was overtaken by a spontaneous awakening to her true nature. This profound Silence or "ego death", was so complete that even the death of her adorable only child, two months later did not pull her out of the Silence.

Satsang with Yolande consists of quieting the mind and tuning into Silence, a stillness that is alive, full, and dynamic. Then, we need to trust this Silence and Yolande is here to help us do this. Yolande lives this Silence so deeply that just being in her presence becomes transforming. All doubts, problems and questions fall away in Silence.

Yolande speaks simply and beautifully from a quiet place of depth and knowing. Her message of spirituality is profound. In an incisive, yet gentle way, she brings light to our human condition, offering a clear vision of what our lives can be.

Yolande is from France and she is visiting temporarily. To learn more about her, please see her website:  To purchase her book: "Silence Heals", visit

Saturday, Sept 20, 1 - 4 p.m.
($25 - $45 donation to help cover traveling expenses). For more information about this meeting, please contact Chantal: 310-430-4181 or

Location of Event: The Ojai Retreat
160 Besant Road, Ojai, California 93023  There is a possibility of overnight accomodations at The Ojai Retreat: 805.646.2536 or Email:    
Chantal Codourey
organization & coordination
+ 1 310 430 41 81 (USA)

mercredi 14 mai 2014


This vision, this thing makes you do things with such
intensity that you… that all you can do is be. No need to think about your life:
you observe, and things keep on and on happening spontaneously. Always
within this intensity which varies from one minute to the next. And you
abandon yourself more and more, you are more and more confident, since in
any case everything is taken care of.

jeudi 1 mai 2014

Meetings in Eternal Silence with Yolande Duran Serrano

San Francisco Bay Area June 16th to 22nd, 2014

The power of Silence: "Life takes care of us" Silence heals the idea of: "I am my story"

In 2003, without having any prior knowledge of spirituality, Yolande was overtaken by a spontaneous awakening to reality and her true nature. A state of profound Silence or “ego death”, so profound that even the tragic death of her only son, two months after her awakening, did not pull her out of the Silence, a Universal Consciousness that is ever present.

She is a living example of Love, infinitely gentle presence manifesting on earth and walks in this world as a reminder that the power of Silence and Love can heal and transform our lives. Since her awakening, Yolande has dedicated her life to guide spiritual seekers who have a deep desire to remember who they truly are and who want to experience Freedom, Love, Joy, and Peace in their lives - she has been giving solace and peace to all of those who come in search of comfort, healing and wholeness.

“The most loveliness is inner Silence. The Silence releases us. The Silence helps and heals us.”

She is originally from France and she is the author of two books: “Silence Heals” and “In Love with Silence.
To learn more about Yolande, please visit her website: and to purchase her books:

Dates and Locations

   Monday, June 16th, 7 - 9 p.m. ($20 to $25 donation)
Unity in Marin, 600 Palm Drive, Novato, CA 94949 - Marin County

  Tuesday, June 17th, 7 - 9 p.m. ($20 to $25 donation)
First Unitarian Universalist Society, 1187 Frankling St. at Geary Blvd., San Francisco, CA 94109

  Wednesday, June 18th, 7 - 9 p.m. ($20 to $25 donation)
Cultural Integration Fellowship, 2650 Fulton St. at 3rd Ave., San Francisco, CA 94118

  Thursday, June 19th, 7 - 9 p.m. ($20 to $25 donation)Open Circle Center/Choch Mat Halev, 2215 Prince St., Berkeley, CA 94705 - The East Bay

  Friday, June 20th, 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. ($25 to $35 donation)
Open Secret Bookstore, 923 C St., San Rafael, CA 94901 - Marin County

  Saturday, June 21st, Retreat 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. ($40 to $70 donation - sliding scale)
Retreat House, 8476 Sonoma Ave., Sebastopol, CA 95472 - Sonoma County Near Highway 116 and Graton Road. Daylong retreat, please bring lunch.
Limited to 25 people, please reserve in advance by emailing

  Sunday, June 22nd, 9 a.m. - 12 Noon. ($30 to $40 donation)
Swedenborgian Church, 1422 Navellier St., El Cerrito, CA 94530 - The East Bay

No one will be turned away for lack of funds.
For more information, please contact Sandra at (650) 270-3681

lundi 28 avril 2014

Meetings in Eternal Silence with Yolande Duran Serrano

Los Angeles Area in May & June 2014

The power of Silence: "Life takes care of us"
Silence heals the idea of: "I am my story"

In 2003, Yolande Duran Serrano, without any prior interest in spirituality, was overtaken by a spontaneous awakening to her true nature. This profound Silence or "ego death", was so complete that even the death of her adorable only child, two months later did not pull her out of the Silence.
Satsang with Yolande consists of quieting the mind and tuning into Silence, a stillness that is alive, full, and dynamic. Then, we need to trust this Silence and Yolande is here to help us do this. Yolande lives this Silence so deeply that just being in her presence becomes transforming. All doubts, problems and questions fall away in Silence.
Yolande speaks simply and beautifully from a quiet place of depth and knowing. Her message of spirituality is profound. In an incisive, yet gentle way, she brings light to the burdened life, offering a clear vision of what our lives could be.

To learn more about Yolande, please visit her website   To purchase her book "Silence Heals"

Dates and Locations
Sunday, May 4, 5 - 7 p.m. ($10 to $20 suggested donation)
2553 Mesa School Lane, Santa Barbara CA 93109, Home of Robin Davidson & Linda 805-962-6757

Friday, May 9, 7.30 – 9.30 p.m. ($20 donation)
Saturday, May 10, 2 - 5 p.m. ($30 donation)
276 Running Ridge Trail, Ojai CA 93023 (limited parking, please carpool), Home of James Heartland & Reiko, 240-393-9497

Friday, May 16th, 7 - 9 p.m. ($20 - $25 donation)
Saturday, May 17, 2 - 5 p.m. ($30 - $35 donation)
Friday, June 6, 7 - 9 p.m. ($20 - $25 donation)
Saturday, June 7, 2 - 5 p.m. ($30 - $35 donation)
Quaker Meeting House, 1440 Harvard St., Santa Monica, CA 90404, (small rear parking)

No one will be turned away for lack of funds. For more informations 310-430-4181

mardi 15 avril 2014

Mi testimonio sobre el Silencio

"El camino espiritual puede ser arduo, porque sabemos algo antes de vivirlo. Es preciso llegar a ver lo que no sois. Estoy aquí para dar mi testimonio y sin duda voy a pasar el resto de la vida de este cuerpo dando testimonio, pero en vuestro caso, ¡tened confianza!"

mercredi 9 avril 2014

Le pouvoir du Silence

Donc, cette nuit-là, l’explosion était si forte qu’il y a eu cette pensée : « C’est la fin! Cette fois, c’est vraiment la fin… Je ne vais jamais revenir. » C’était si puissant, si incroyablement le feu, le chaos, le rien, qu’en moi ça disait « j’assiste à la fin du monde ». Impossible de croire que ça se vivait seulement à l’intérieur de moi : j’étais persuadée que cette amie près de moi, ma belle-fille dans la chambre à côté, tout le monde, autour, ne pouvait que vivre la même chose.

mercredi 2 avril 2014

Silence… so you feel… alive.

"It is really so light. It is this intensity, this simplicity that allows you to remain neutral. This is what joy is. You feel yourself… and it is neutral. It is intense, but it is neutral. You cannot say you are either happy or unhappy. On a psychological plane you are dead, and at the same time, you feel things you
have never before felt in your life. You feel the heart beating, the blood in your veins, the pulsation at the tips of your toes… These bodily perceptions are thousands of times more subtle than ever before and you feel them constantly, at the same time as the variations in your energy… so you feel… alive. Alive like never before."

jeudi 27 mars 2014

le bonheur parfait

Tonalli Melo

En un instant, je ne sais plus qui je suis, n’étant plus que la paix et la tranquillité qui se sont installées. On peut vraiment affirmer que cette expérience, c’est le bonheur parfait.

mardi 25 mars 2014

El Silencio que nos guía

Esao Andrews
La única posibilidad consiste en confiar en este silencio que nos guía. Los velos de la mente se desgarran, ya no nos identificamos con los pensamientos, la dimensión vertical quema toda la horizontalidad. Para vivirlo, no se necesita ninguna práctica, la meditación está en esta apertura a la vida que se desarrolla. La personalidad conserva una funcionalidad de superficie, pero en realidad, está disuelta en lo no creado, sea cual sea la manifestación de esta personalidad. Ni siquiera una personalidad muy fuerte puede resistir a esta corriente de fuego de una potencia increíble. Las emociones la atraviesan todavía, el miedo, el terror, tan presentes en su vida de antaño, pero una paz ilimitada constituye el trasfondo de esta existencia. Ya no hay nadie para sentir el miedo, o el entusiasmo, lo que hay es el sentir. Todo se vive en su lugar justo, el sufrimiento, la compasión por toda la creación en sus formas más terribles, en este gran corazón que late eternamente y que es capaz de acoger todo este sufrimiento. Este espacio, esta desaparición de la persona, es la realidad de base, el telón de fondo sobre el que se desarrolla la película de la existencia.

jeudi 20 mars 2014


"In my experience the intensity is at its highest during yet another experience which also takes place when I am alone and I lie down… it is instantaneous. All of a sudden, you don’t feel anything more of the world at all, neither your body, nor anything else. You have lost your five senses. You don’t see, you don’t hear, you don’t “feel” –not in the way we usually feel things. It doesn’t remove the deeper feeling, what I mean to say is, perceiving continues, being perception, but not through the filter of the bodily senses, such as you know them. So, you no longer see anything appear, but you still have this intense feeling. And what is so terrifying is… (silence)…"

lundi 17 mars 2014

Le Silence Guérit

Cet état, cette « chose » n’empêche rien. C’est elle, au contraire, qui permet tout. Elle est l’espace avant toute chose, toute pensée, tout événement. Elle est l’espace où toute chose apparaît. On ne peut la penser : elle est impensable. On ne peut la comprendre : c’est elle qui comprend tout, qui englobe tout. Cette « chose », on peut seulement la vivre… Et la vie devient très simple. Tu n’as plus rien à faire, ça se fait tout seul. Cette spontanéité qui te saisit et te fait demeurer dans ce silence règle tous les problèmes à la base – puisqu’ils apparaissent au second plan. On voit les choses se produire; on voit bien que tout est rêve, que tout est illusion, non existant… même si ça apparaît.

mercredi 12 mars 2014

Djalâl ad-Dîn Rûmî

‪Maurits Cornelis Escher‬

"Ever since happiness heard your name, it's been running through the streets trying to find you."
Djalâl ad-Dîn Rûmî

jeudi 6 mars 2014

Todo es expresión del Silencio

Nuestra verdadera naturaleza no consiste en pensar sino en ver. Ver la realidad de esta ilusión.
Desde este punto de vista, ya no es posible embarcarse en las proyecciones. 
Todo es expresión del Silencio. La ayuda está ahí, constantemente.
Cuando dejamos de malgastar energía en nuestra pequeña persona, entonces la ayuda está ahí para el mundo entero.

lundi 3 mars 2014

Silence Heals

There you are doing nothing, alone or with someone, and all of a sudden there is this intense upsurge of energy… activating all the senses at the same time… it’s like an explosion, ecstasy… it takes over whenever it likes, in front of a flower, an armchair… or nothing. Sometimes it happens several times in a day, or for several days at a time: then nothing for a whole week. The intensity increases, then decreases, you can’t do anything about it. It is truly wonderful.

vendredi 28 février 2014

You are warmly invited to join us for a wonderful event at
Maha Yoga Studio, 13050 San Vincente Blvd, Los Angeles CA 90049

on Friday, March 14th from 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM

  to sit in Satsang with Yolande Duran-Serrano.

Yolande is visiting from France, where she gives satsangs all over Europe. We are privileged to have her here in Los Angeles, Ojai and Santa Barbara for the first time.
Sitting in Silence with Yolande has a 'tuning fork' effect, redirecting our awareness to the stillness within us that is already present. We are already free; we may just not notice it.
Be forewarned! Sitting with Yolande unravels all our concepts of « who we think » we are.
From the book, Silence Heals, published in 2012 by Non-Duality Press:  On a summer’s day in 2003, Yolande Duran-Serrano was going about her normal daily activities in her apartment in France, thinking the usual mundane thoughts, when suddenly she was struck by a Silence in her mind.  “How is it that I’ve never noticed this before?” she wondered.  In the blink of an eye her thoughts moved to the background of awareness, while an ineffable Silence moved to the foreground.  There, it quickly began to establish itself as the ground of peace that would soon take over her life.

In my end is my beginning: I have come home again.  Without bearings, I move forward, carried by this lightness, guided by this Silence—this Silence that manifests through presence, and through absence.  — Yolande
For the last ten years, Yolande Duran Serrano has been living an unspeakable experience, a sudden shift, eternally repeated, resulting in her whole being now rooted in the depths of Being. This state, this non-state, shows itself by an intense Silence, a void, a fullness simultaneously so simple and so extraordinary that for a long time she had no words to speak about it. Allowing herself to be gradually guided and taught by this Silence, more and more she feels a thirst to share this way of being in a world infused with lightness and simplicity. She testifies here to this spontaneous internal liberation, the shock by Ultimate Reality of oneself and of all that is, which is : “the ultimate healing since it heals the idea of being a person…” To learn more, please visit: or or
Our meeting will be partly in Silence, and also open for questions and answers. Yolande only speaks French, but speaks best in Silence; however, we will have an interpreter.

Donation: $20.

mercredi 26 février 2014

Comprender al Silencio

Silencio,... Basta comprender este gran 'no sé' para comprenderlo todo. Basta con ser únicamente y totalmente esta cosa para ser el Todo.

lundi 24 février 2014

Le Silence Guerit

Eric Zener

C’est passionnant! Je suis tombée amoureuse de cette chose. Tombée amoureuse de l’instant présent ou, plus précisément, de ce qu’il y a avant l’instant présent : cette chose qui te permet de tout vivre de façon douce et tranquille. Cette vision qui voit, qui te donne la possibilité de voir… sans être là : on ne peut qu’en tomber éperdument amoureux! 

lundi 17 février 2014

El Poder Absoluto del Silencio

"El Silencio es acción invisible, que no puede ser vista ni percibida. Algo muy intenso se manifiesta en el corazón de este Poder Absoluto, sean cuales sean las apariencias."

jeudi 13 février 2014

Amoureuse du Silence

J’ai eu l’impression que j’aurais pu mourir à l’instant
même, dissoute dans cet espace. Je ne pouvais qu’être disponible
à ce qui se passait. J’avais une incroyable sensation
de légèreté. Je ne vois que le mot Silence pour approcher
au plus près cette révélation.