lundi 27 janvier 2014

Satsang with Yolande Duran Serrano.

Thursday, February 6th from 7pm to 9pm, 2553 Mesa School Lane, Santa Barbara CA

Friday, February 7th from 7pm to 9pm, 276 Running Ridge Trail, Ojai CA

Yolande is visiting from France where she gives satsangs all over Europe. We are privileged to have her here in California and in Santa Barbara for the first time. 
Sitting in silence with Yolande has a 'tuning fork' effect, redirecting our awareness to the stillness within us that is already present. We are already free; we just don't notice it. There will also be time for Q & A. Spending moments with Yolande who embodies “The Presence” can be of great benefit to your daily life and spiritual search.

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