Ojai, September 20th, 2014
"Life takes care of us"
Silence heals the idea of: "I am my story"
In 2003, Yolande Duran Serrano, without any prior interest in spirituality, was overtaken by a spontaneous awakening to her true nature. This profound Silence or "ego death", was so complete that even the death of her adorable only child, two months later did not pull her out of the Silence.
Satsang with Yolande consists of quieting the mind and tuning into Silence, a stillness that is alive, full, and dynamic. Then, we need to trust this Silence and Yolande is here to help us do this. Yolande lives this Silence so deeply that just being in her presence becomes transforming. All doubts, problems and questions fall away in Silence.
Yolande speaks simply and beautifully from a quiet place of depth and knowing. Her message of spirituality is profound. In an incisive, yet gentle way, she brings light to our human condition, offering a clear vision of what our lives can be.
Yolande is from France and she is visiting temporarily. To learn more about her, please see her website: www.yolande.info To purchase her book: "Silence Heals", visit www.amazon.com
• Saturday, Sept 20, 1 - 4 p.m.
($25 - $45 donation to help cover traveling expenses). For more information about this meeting, please contact Chantal: 310-430-4181 or contact@yolande.info
• Location of Event: The Ojai Retreat
160 Besant Road, Ojai, California 93023 www.ojairetreat.org There is a possibility of overnight accomodations at The Ojai Retreat: 805.646.2536 or Email: info@OjaiRetreat.org
Chantal Codourey
organization & coordination
+ 1 310 430 41 81 (USA)
+ 41 79 256 40 05 (CH)